What are the advantages and disadvantages of different types of heating tubes in electric ovens?

Of the more than 200 electric ovens I counted, nearly 90% used stainless steel oven heating tubes. Just by this question to discuss: why do most ovens use stainless steel tubes as oven heaters?

Is it true that the more twisted the heater shape, the better? Why do most ovens use stainless steel tubes? The heat tube of the oven is a dry burning heat pipe, which generally has 3 layers from the inside to the outside: the innermost heating wire is heated, the outermost high temperature resistant and easy to heat the outer surface body, and there is an insulating layer in the middle to isolate the inside and outside.

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The outer surface body of the stainless steel tube is dark green stainless steel after annealed, so we often see that the heating tube in the oven is dark green, not dirty or gray. The innermost is the heating wire, and the middle is insulated with MgO powder, which is heated by forced convection. It’s smaller, it heats up a little slower, but it paints more evenly. Moreover, stainless steel is corrosion-resistant and has a long life. In addition to the green treatment, there are stainless steel heating tubes with black treatment. At present, China’s domestic basically green treatment heating tubes.

Compared with other heating tubes, although the heating efficiency of stainless steel heating tubes is low, it is hard in texture, can withstand long-distance logistics, and the heating uniformity is high, the size is small, but it takes up more space, and the service life is long, so it is the choice of most ovens.

Post time: Jul-17-2023