What is the role of cold storage door frame heating wire? Do you know why?

First, the role of cold storage door frame

The cold storage door frame is a connection between the inside and outside of the cold storage, and its sealing is crucial to the thermal insulation effect of the cold storage. However, in a cold environment, the cold storage door frame is susceptible to icing, resulting in reduced tightness, making the temperature inside and outside the cold storage alternate, thereby affecting the quality and storage effect of the items in the cold storage.

Second, the role of cold room defrost wire heater

In order to prevent the cold storage door frame from freezing and rapid cooling resulting in poor sealing, a silicone defrost wire heater is usually set up around the cold storage door frame. Cold storage door frame heating line mainly plays the following two roles:

door frame heating wire

1. Prevent icing

In a cold environment, the moisture in the air is easy to condenses into water beads, forming frost, which makes the cold storage door frame become hard, resulting in poor sealing performance. At this time, the cold room heating wire can heat the air around the door frame, causing the frost to melt, thus preventing ice.

2. Control the temperature

The cold storage door frame heating wire can heat the air around the door frame, thereby increasing the air temperature, controlling the temperature around the door frame, avoiding sharp cooling, which is conducive to the stability of the internal temperature of the cold storage.

Third, the working principle of the cold storage door frame heating wire

The working principle of the cold storage heating wire is actually very simple, that is, the heat generated by the heating wire heats the air around the door frame to achieve the effect of controlling the temperature. In general, the defrost heating wire will generate a certain amount of heat through the current, raising the temperature around the door frame to a certain temperature, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the temperature.


Cold storage door frame heater wire is to prevent cold storage door frame due to icing or rapid cooling caused by poor sealing and insulation measures set. Its working principle is mainly to heat the air around the door frame by heating the hot wire to achieve the effect of controlling the temperature. The setting of the heating wire of the cold storage door frame can effectively improve the thermal insulation performance of the cold storage and ensure the quality and storage effect of the stored items.

Post time: Jul-16-2024